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Orthodontic X-Rays & Digital Imaging


Low Dose X-Ray Imaging

Safe Scans, High Quality Images

Finding a balance between radiation exposure and quality scans has long been a topic of discussion in the orthodontic community. Using cutting-edge technology at Bright Braces, this is a thing of the past.


We use the Vatech Green CT, a state-of-the-art 4-in-1 digital imaging system, which couples high-quality images with lower radiation. Our patients benefit from a safer x-ray process while getting much deeper diagnostic accuracy, leading to better overall orthodontic treatment.

Green CT Scan machine at Bright Braces
Front of Green CT scan machine at Bright Braces

4-In-1 Orthodontic Imaging Technology

The Green CT provides the most thorough, detailed look into the orthodontic needs of the patient by incorporating Panoramic (PANO), Cephalometric (CEPH), Cone-Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT), and MODEL Scan. Each of these techniques provides information on distinct aspects of a patient's orthodontic condition, giving us a truly full picture of what treatment will work the best.

Multi FOV Selection

Keeping radiation low means limiting the areas that are actually exposed. With the Green CT imaging system, we are able to select specific fields of view (FOV) so areas outside the region of interest are never exposed at all, offering FOV's covering the full arch region, sinus, and left & right TMJ.

Green Scan Time

One of the primary ways that the Green CT system limited radiation exposure from X-Rays is by speeding up scan times. It minimizes motion artifact, allowing for a faster process and cutting down on the amount of time patients are in the machine itself. 

With this combination of high image quality and low radiation dose, we're able to serve our patients much better than most of our competitors, and ensure orthodontic treatment isn't just effective - it's exact.

Enjoy Your

Bright Smile

Bright Smile

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